Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dream Big

Last night Shane told Anthony he could do anything he put his mind to. So Anthony decided he wanted to write episode 7 of Star Wars. So I thought I would share his current story.
A New Jedi For A New Hope
A Jedi master but a sith lord Zado but Anthony stop him but he had a sith apprentice.
So far that is what he has. Shane is the advisor of the new movie (he helped with spelling). I love that Anthony is dreaming big! Now comes the lesson that it won't happen over night.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2 Birthdays 10 days

With both kids Birthdays within 5 days of each other we do something special with each of them on their birthday.

For Jackson's birthday we went to dinner at Sizzler. Where Jackson was able to enjoy a HUGE ice cream sundae. Them off to Planet Play for some miniature golf and arcade games.On the 1st we had everyone for cake and ice cream. It was like Christmas all over again. For Anthony's birthday, he took cupcakes to his classmates. After school it was dinner at McDonald's (his choice). Then off to Nikelcade, for more video games.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Hard to believe this kid changed my life so much 7 years ago today. What a year it has been for you, learning to read, add, subtract, and so much more. You lost your first two teeth last year. You are such an amazing little boy with the biggest heart. So gentle, and quite. Still a picky eater as ever and a little comedian. You love star wars, and video games and most of all you love your little brother.
I hope 7 is as amazing as 6 was.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Year end review

Oh what a year it has been. A busy one for that matter. Here is a recap of what we did this year:
We took a much needed vacation to Cancun
I took a cruise in the Mediterranean
I crashed a scooter, and had to pay for the damage
We took the kids to Disneyland
We started working on our basement
We had new windows put in our home
We got a new car
I joined Pintrist, and have decided I like to entertain and cook
I worked six months of mandatory overtime
We got a new niece
Anthony started 1st grade
We went to Vegas
And of course we had fun times with friends and family.

Now I didn't accomplish much from my list last year. But I have a few things we will do this year.

Finish our basement (this is the 3rd year I have said this) but I am determined

Pay off debt

I am going to lose 30 lbs (at least)
Run a 5k

Take the kids on vacation

De clutter my house

Try more new recipes

and attend another Raiders game

I would like to complete our backyard, but the basement comes first.

I can only hope 2012 is as good as 2011. Happy New Year to all!