Saturday, April 9, 2011

Digital Scrapbooking

If you know me you know I enjoy scrapbooking.

Here are a few pages from our most recent trip with the kids. However it takes some much time and I have so many pictures I need to catch up on. I know there is no way I will ever get everything done that I want.
I decided I wanted to try my hand at digital scrapbooking. I don't know anyone who does it so I didn't know a good program. Until a few weeks ago. I met someone who told me about a company called Creative Memories.
The following weekend at the scrapbook expo I looked at a few of the companies there for digital and finally gave and bought the program from Creative Memories.

And I LOVE it!

Look at all the pages I accpolished last week.

This was my very first one.

Theses two so far have been my favorite.
Best part is I have all kinds of different pages and can change the colors, use different fonts, and embellishments.

I just ordered the 4 above sheets to be printed. I can't wait to see the finished product.

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