Monday, December 30, 2013


 Wow, it's amazing how time flies. This little man is FIVE!
We spent the day hanging with him.
He got to open a gift from Mom and Dad. A new Scooter.
He had to hurry and try it out.
We took him to lunch of his choice, McDonalds. I told him he had to eat all his lunch to get ice cream. Once finished he was standing there staring at the counter. The girl at McDonalds offered him a ice cream. He walked up got the ice cream and came back and said he could do it himself.
We went to Best Buy and Toy r Us. Let him pick out another game. Played a little Wii U. And went to dinner to someplace where they sing.

TGI Friday's was the winner.
This kid is a spitfire, so smart and so much personality. I can't believe I am lucky that he calls me mom.  

Here are a few of his current favorites:
Food: Ice Cream, and pizza
TV show: Ninja Turtles and sponge Bob Square Pants
Color: Green
Game: NintendoLand
Movie: Mario Brothers

Friday, December 27, 2013

Silly Elf

So on December 1st Ki Adi Mundi arrived from the North Pole. 
He brought special pancakes with him.
They were RED!
Most days he would just show up on the shelf. 
However, some things he would find fun things to do.
Like have a bowl of cereal. 
He helped with chores. Like cleaning mirrors.
Sometimes he left notes. 
One day he was in the freezer. I thought he missed the North Pole.
Just Hanging around
Roasting Marshmallows, getting in the donuts, and taking a selfie on the kids DS.
Reminding the kids how many days till Christmas.
Crazy Elf!
Christmas Eve morning, he had left a note for the boys.

I'm sure going to miss him keeping the kids on their toes.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

One last visit

Yesterday we had our annual Christmas party with Shane's family. 
The most exciting guest.....
Santa of course!
All the kids gathered around and waited their turn. 
They each got one last chance to make sure Santa knew what they wanted. 
Santa had one last chance to make sure they have been good.

Anthony's turn!
Red light = Good list.

Before Santa left we were able to have a family photo.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

2013 Photos

I did my regular thing again this year. I had a Friday off, and decided to schedule my studio visit for the kids and then head to Thanksgiving point for our Santa pictures.
Here are a few of my favorite from the studio.

After we did our session, went and had dinner and got back to view our prints. They advised me they had lost half of our session. I ended up having to reschedule and come back later in the week for a reshoot.
Here's a few of the favorites from the second half.

After the session from day one we had the Santa photos done. It's fun to get some better ones than just sitting on his lap. The kids enjoyed a bit of arm wrestling and karate with Santa this year.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful For....

I decided to help Anthony learn about gratitude he needed to make a list of what he was Thankful for.  Everyday from the first till Thanksgiving he had to name one thing. Only rule was he could not name games or movies individually.
Here is his list:
1, My Video games
2. My movies
3. My books
4. My food
5. My TV
6. My homework
7. Mom & Dad
8. Trampoline
9. Jackson
10. Link (The stuffed Lion)
11. Karate
12. School
13. Aunts and Uncles
14. grandparents
15. cousins
16. Vacation
17. Bed
18. House
19. Winter
20. Summer
23. cars
24. friends
26. trees
27. drinks
28. My toys
Some see a bit stretched. However, he really had to start to think about it and I'm glad he did it.
As for me I am Thankful for Anthony, Jackson, Shane, and my parents. I am Thankful for a job I enjoy and that it allows me to see so much of thee world. I can't forget to mention the amazing friends I have.
I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What an amazing kid!

Anthony was required to submit an entry for the Reflections project at school this year.
This years theme was Dream, Believe, Inspire.
I thought photography would be the easiest thing for him to do. He was determined to do something with video.
We came up with the idea of doing something about becoming a black belt.  Him and Shane worked on the video while I was away. (see the final video here)

We received the call on Sunday night that Anthony won! 
We went to the assembly yesterday. Gave him a card letting him know what a great kid he is, and $10. Then out to ice cream last night.
So proud of him!