Friday, January 25, 2013

Snow Season

This winter has been a cold and snowy one.
 However the kids have been enjoying it.
Fresh snow is super pretty (unless I have to drive in it).
Jackson enjoyed trekking through it.
Snowball fights have been popular.
We even manged to take the kids sledding. Small hills, and small hills with jumps.

And super big hills!


It was a fun afternoon.
Now that we have enjoyed the possibilities of the snow bring on Spring!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

South Beach

This post should have happened back in December. But since nothing has been going on yet this year, I better wrap up last year. Brenda and I spent a couple of days in Miami before doing a two day cruise to nowhere on the brand new Celebrity Reflection.
After we arrived to the Marriott South Beach after our red eye flight, and emergency landing in Nashville we found this view from our room. The first day there was a blur.
But after a good nights sleep and some food, we were ready for a day of sightseeing.
First stop was the everglades, and a air boat ride.
We got to hold the crocadile and pretend we drove the air boat. The everglades was so much fund and tottaly worth it.
At some point we drove past the Dash store. Wish I could have seen a Karadashian.
After seeing other parts of the city, we did a boat tour on Key Biscayne Bay.
Brenda attempted to be the guide.
Mostly we were able to see the homes of the Rich and Famous. For some reason this is the only one I remember. Above: Hulk Hogan.
These ones are only a few of the ones we saw. But for the life of me I can't remember who's is who's.
This famous has could be seen from the freeway. It's the house used for the movie Scarface.
An amazing Sunset.
Here is a great panaromic view of Miami from the bay.
That night we headed down South Beach to find dinner. We decided on the place with the larger drink menu with a small food menu. So fun to see how alive South Beach becomes at night.
Brenda even found a Brenda sized palm tree.
And was like a kid on Christmas when she got to hold the Lemer.
The morning before heading to the ship, we went and put our feet in the sand one last time.
I need a beach in my life more often.
This building is pretty amazing, and I was in awe of it the whole time.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Yesterday, Anthony turned EIGHT!
 After he spent a half day at school we took him to McDonalds for lunch. The it was off to get things ready for his party at Planet Play.
 After dinner, he opened gifts. It was mostly family with a couple of friends. And of course with Christmas only 10 days ago it's not like he needed anything else. However, we did get him a sword for Karate. He was super excited (see picture right 2nd from bottom).
Then we sang Happy Birthday and enjoyed cupcakes.
Then the kids were off playing games.
Of course the biggest reason we went to Planet Play was to play laser tag. Here is the entire group waiting their turn. It was 3 crazy hours, but it was a true success.
Anthony is growing into such a little man. It's amazing.
He is currently in the second grade
Trying more and more food. Still not a fan of meat.
Loves his video games like Halo, and Super Smash Brothers
He earned his red belt in Karate
Anthony has the most kind and gentle heart.
And the best big brother a kid could ask for

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013!

Oh what a year 2012 was.
I had a lot I wanted to set out to accomplish (See Here), and we did most things and then some.

Here is a quick recap of our year:
I traveled to Costa Rica on a Windstar Cruise.
Shane and I went to New York City.
Jackson became potty trained.
We bought a new refrigerator and dishwasher this year.
We built a new shed. 
I was in the top 5% in 2011 at work and went to Barcelona for a week.
Anthony started 2nd grade.
I read 12 books this year.
Jackson started preschool. 
I went to Miami for 2 days and a two day cruise to nowhere on the Celebrity Reflection.
Anthony earned his red belt in Karate.
I lost 32 pounds this year!
We were able to go to Oakland for a Raiders game.
I did two 5K's this year. Finished both in under a hour. 

As you can see 2012 was a busy year. It only helps motivate me for 2013.

Finish my basement (this won't be going away until it's complete)
Take the kids on vacation
Walk/Run 3 5K's (and continue beating my times).
Maintain the weight I lost, and it would be nice to even lost another 20 lbs.
Get more scrapbooking done.
Have a weekend getaway with the husband.
And keep up on my blog more.

Here's wishing you all a great 2013!