Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013!

Oh what a year 2012 was.
I had a lot I wanted to set out to accomplish (See Here), and we did most things and then some.

Here is a quick recap of our year:
I traveled to Costa Rica on a Windstar Cruise.
Shane and I went to New York City.
Jackson became potty trained.
We bought a new refrigerator and dishwasher this year.
We built a new shed. 
I was in the top 5% in 2011 at work and went to Barcelona for a week.
Anthony started 2nd grade.
I read 12 books this year.
Jackson started preschool. 
I went to Miami for 2 days and a two day cruise to nowhere on the Celebrity Reflection.
Anthony earned his red belt in Karate.
I lost 32 pounds this year!
We were able to go to Oakland for a Raiders game.
I did two 5K's this year. Finished both in under a hour. 

As you can see 2012 was a busy year. It only helps motivate me for 2013.

Finish my basement (this won't be going away until it's complete)
Take the kids on vacation
Walk/Run 3 5K's (and continue beating my times).
Maintain the weight I lost, and it would be nice to even lost another 20 lbs.
Get more scrapbooking done.
Have a weekend getaway with the husband.
And keep up on my blog more.

Here's wishing you all a great 2013!

1 comment:

Schwartz Family said...

You did sooo much this year! I didn't realize how many trips until you type them all out like that!