Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday!

Happy 1st Birthday Jackson!
Unfortunately we will not be spending the day as I had hoped, at least you are to young to remember it. It has been amazing year with you. Watching you grow and learn has been wonderful. Your big brother loves you so much and you two play so well together! It's been great to have 4 months at home with you this year however it will be tough to leave when it's time to go back to work.
Here are a few stats about you right now:
  • You wear size 4 diapers.
  • You wear size 12 month clothing
  • You give kisses
  • Total mamas boy
  • You have 4 teeth (almost) your top 2 have broken skin just not all the way in
  • You love to be tackled by Anthony
  • You say Thank you, Spongebob square pants, mama and dada.
  • You aren't ready to give up the bottle (my bad)
  • You weigh 25 lbs
  • Your a terrible sleeper, you toss and turn like crazy and wake yourself up often

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

RIP Grandma Gayle

Gayle L. Mora 1939 ~ 2009 Our loving mother, grandmother, sister, and aunt, Gayle L. Mora passed away in the early morning hours of December 26, 2009, surrounded by her loving family.

She was born April 15, 1939 in Salt Lake City to David William and Margaret Ethel George Bartholio. Married Bob C. Larsen, later divorced. Married Isy Mora Jan 21, 1965. He died December 3, 2007.

Gayle was the director of CCD for 25 years at Saint Patrick's Church. She was a food service manager with the Salt Lake City School District. Gayle would always lend a helping hand and would give you the shirt off her back. She touched the lives of many people.

She is survived by three sons Shane (Sondra), Lance (Michelle), and Christopher Trent (Marlene). Seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Brother, David Walter (Patricia) Bartholio, brother-in-law, Frank Burleson, and special niece, Michelle Boehme.

She was also preceded in death by her parents, sister, Velma Burleson, grandson, John, and great grandchildren, BayLee and Dylan.

Gayle is one amazing woman I have met in my life. She is Shane's grandmother and is the most loving person every. Shane has shared many great memories of her with me. I have only known her a short time. However I also have some great memories of her.
Unfortunately she passed away in the early morning hours after Christmas. After a long night in the emergency room and unsuccessful surgery there was nothing the doctors could do for her.
In Our Hearts
We thought of you with love today,
but that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday.
And days before that too.
We think of you in silence.
We often speak your name.
Now all we have are memories.
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake.
With which we'll never part.
God has you in his keeping.
We have you in our heart.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

I was so excited for this Christmas. Anthony finally understands who Santa Claus is and he knew exactly what he wanted. I had the hardest time sleeping I kept waking up seeing if it was time for my mom to be here. Once my mom was here and a little after 8 I gave in and had to wake everyone up. Once I told Anthony Santa had been here, he was wide awake. It was a lot of fun opening up presents and watching the kids play with everything.

Anthony got everything from a remote control R2 D2 to the red Nintendo DS that he wanted. Both the kids made out great. Mom and dad didn't do to bad either. I received a video camera and a diamond necklace. Thanks hunny!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas goodies

So I had this brilliant idea to bake goodies for Christmas. I thought it would be good time for me and Anthony to do something fun.
27 cupcakes, 30 chocolate chip cookies, and 47 sugar cookies later. I learned that Anthony wanted nothing to do with helping bake or decorate.

Thank goodness Jontue came over and helped me decorate or I would still be decorating today.
Anthony decided he wanted to right his name on a cookie. That was the most help I received from him.
Anthony got his plate of cookies ready for Santa.
We are officially ready for Santa around here.
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Snowball FIGHT!!!

I am so not a snow person. However as long as Anthony has some snow boots he is good to go. So with Brittnay and Ashtyn joining us today and the fresh new snow we have been getting. It was time to go out and build and snowman and have a snow fight!
Anthony building his first snow ball.
Ready, aim, fire! (at ME!)
Jackson all bundled up!
Brittnay and I built the snowman. Not bad for our first attempt ever.
Anthony didn't like the taste of that snow.
Ashtyn sneaking up on someone.
2 against 1.
That snow tasted much better.
All in all it was fun getting out and playing in the snow.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Festival of Trees

Festival of Trees is something I have loved going to since I was a kid. I love Christmas and seeing everything certainly gets you in a festive move. Not to mention that every penny raised goes to Primary Children's Hospital. I loved the themed trees, however this year there didn't seem to be as many "themed" trees as in past years. Oh well still fun to see!
Jackson thought it was time to be held while Anthony thought it was time for a free ride.
Santa and his cool car pulling the sleigh.
The Star Wars set up was of course Anthony's favorite.I seriously had to pull Anthony away from the tree.

Here are a few of my favorite.

Your classic upside down tree.
The only Twilight tree in the bunch.
Anthony thought the cookie tree was silly.
One of many Jazz trees.

Not fond of the gold, silver would have looked better on the black tree. Still cool looking.

Last year I also learned I loved the pictures I can get with Santa at the festival. They have a cute background and you can buy a disc with all the pictures for $12. Much cheaper than the mall santas. Works great for my Christmas cards.
I jumped in with Santa. However not the winner for the Christmas cards.
Jackson wondering who the heck was holding him.
This one is the winner for the Christmas card (or maybe one simliar). I had a few options to chose from.
I really liked this one. However if you notice in the bottom left conor is the stuffed moose they were using to get Jackson to look. I also didn't like that you can't see as much of the backdrop.
Anthony thought this "tree" of lights was pretty cool when we walked in. It went from the ceiling to the floor. I also love the way he posed for the picture.
Another great year at the festival of trees. Can't wait till next year.

Movie Review: The Blind Side

Not a lot to say on this one. Everyone already says it's a great movie. They are certainly right. Great movie, must see.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Countdown

Christmas is my favorite holiday. I think this year is even more exciting because Anthony understands Santa Clause and can't wait either. It's

After black Friday shopping it was time to get the Christmas decorations in.
I decided I couldn't go another Christmas without my fireplace. So I had a bit of rearranging. I decided to put my first Christmas village on top of the fireplace.
Yes I know I need to hang another stocking.
Me and Anthony looking through the Christmas decorations. Deciding which ones should go on the tree.

Anthony helping.
Can't decide if Jackson was helping or getting in the way.
Anthony so proud of his tree. First thing every morning he ask if we can lite it up.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thankgiving 2009

Thanksgiving was a busy one as usual. Great food, family and football what more could you ask for. Jackson enjoyed his first Thanksgiving. Once the olives were on his fingers he knew what to do next... Eat them!
So the beginning of the month I had a friend that posted a challenge on Facebook. To list something that I was thankful for each day up to Thanksgiving. Considering everything that had just happened I thought it was a good challenge.
Here is my list:
  • Anthony - It was rough getting him here, and he had a rough start. However I don't know where I would be without him.
  • Jackson - It has been such a joy watching him over the last 10 months and I can't wait to see what he has in store for me.
  • Veterans - Without you there wouldn't be the freedom we have today.
  • Shane - He can drive me crazy some days but he is an amazing father and is there for me no matter what.
  • My parents - I wouldn't be who I am today without them. And they are always there for me.
  • Next I was thankful for the fact that Jackson actually slept in his crib. After 2 nights of him not feeling good and having to sleep in the recliner with him. I don't think I would would have been able to handle another night in the recliner.
  • My home - I love having a house for my kids to grow up in with a yard for them to play in. Something I have worked so hard for.
  • Next I was thankful for the chance to spend the Holidays at home with the kids.
  • Today I was thankful for the chance to receive some great classes on coping with change and resume writing... Again...
  • Friends - I have some amazing ones!
  • Next I was thankful that my jury duty fell through. I was not looking forward to spending the day in a court room.
  • Paydays - Even if it isn't my payday.
  • Girls nights out - even if it's just movie and dinner... It's great to get out!
  • Lazy Sundays - Great day to unwind, take a nap, enjoy the day with family and watch football.
  • Dvr - It drives me crazy to watch things live with commericals.
  • Cleaning the basement - Shane was home to watch the kids and I was able to get the basement cleaned up.
  • Today I was thankful that tomorrow is Thanksgiving. This was so much harder then it seemed to come up with something new each day.
Below is something that made me smile. Anthony brought this project home from school on Monday. This is what a 4 year old is thankful for:
  • Playing video games
  • Giving his brother hugs
  • Grandma & Grandpa
  • Mommy helping him
  • Dragon Eggs
Which should read Dragon Age, a video game that Shane has been playing but I'm sure when he was telling the teacher his items she had no idea what Dragon Age was she must have thought he was saying Dragon Eggs.
Now it is time to start preparing for Christmas!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Movie Review: New Moon

I have been waiting a year for New Moon. I really wanted to do the midnight showing unfortunately that didn't happen. However I was able to go see it last night. I must say it was 10 times better then Twilight. It followed the book so well and got all of the important facts about the book in the movie. Along with some wonderful special effects. One thing I don't understand is why everyone claps when the movie starts and goes crazy when Jacob takes off his shirt. Come on people they can't hear you. Anyways I would see this movie over and over again.. Best part I only have to wait 7 months for Eclipse.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

October Festivites

October was a very busy month. Brace yourself there are a lot of pictures on this post but it was sure fun this year with Anthony. Besides the zoo in a previous post this is everything else we did in the crazy month of October.
Anthony picked his very own pumpkin.
He was so proud of it.
After a full day of "is it Halloween day yet?" I decided the best way for him to understand how many days until Halloween was to make a paper chain for him to count down.
Me and Daniela decided to take the boys to the corn maze. We let them run ahead and be the guides.
It was the prefect length. By the time the end was reaching we started receiving complaints about tired legs. The boys really enjoyed it.
We of course had to carve pumpkins. Anthony told me the shapes he wanted everything to be.
He than helped clean out the pumpkin.
I did the responsible thing and did the carving.
Tah Dah!
I could barely handle carving the 2 pumpkins. I don't get how people can do the ones that require a ton of work.
Meet Master Yoda
Along with Harry Potter and Commander Fox.

Trick or Treating was so much fun this year. Anthony had a blast. Running from house to house yelling trick-or-treat and happy Halloween to everyone.
I think Jackson is going to be my candy baby..
Halloween happens to be Shane's birthday also. So before we fill up on the candy we went to dinner. Here is Anthony's attempt at chopsticks.
Shane is not a cake person at all. However when Anthony knows it is somebody's birthday. He wants birthday cake. Anthony chose the Raiders cake and helped his daddy blow out the candles.